Quote Originally Posted by Uboat509 View Post
Just saw that the Russians have captured a city in Georgia, one that happens to be only about 50-60 miles outside of Tiblisi. I'm still thinking that the Russians will stop short of that while they still maintain a small amount of plausible deniability about their intentions but I am not sure. So what does everyone think, will they move on Tiblisi? What does it mean if they do? They can hardly say they were just trying to free poor oppressed South Ossetia if they attack Georgia's capital especially if they capture and occupy it. Georgia sounds desperate. I don't see Europe getting directly involved. The UN is... well... the UN. We're kind of busy. On the other hand, Russia has to be aware that there will be some diplomatic and economic penalties if they push this too far (which granted is hard to define).

The info we have is much like you've heard. The Russians poked and prodded til the Georgians acted. Georgia probably felt that their bilateral partner USA wouldn't mind a quick and dirty war, and neglected to bounce the theory by the POTUS. The Russians are not likely to leave without defacing the Georgian government. They know the Georgian president will not step down, so the hope (much like in Estonia last year) is to deface the democratic government and let the people riot and pillage.

I doubt Tblisi is Russia's goal, but I'm sure they are ready to advance a smiggin more before finally agreeing to a ceasefire. The French-led delegation will be in Moscow today, so it won't be long before Russia will be forced to decide.

Regards, Stan