I'm quite surprised anybody perpetrates the myth of fair and balanced media without chuckling. The founding fathers had no use for fair and balanced and rancor and raucous yellow journalism is what they themselves perpetrated. Read some of the work by Benjamin Franklin and what he published. The press was expected and assumed to be a cauldron of evil-hate mixed with a vile stew of ignorance and editorial all cooking over a slow fire of patronage and political intrigue. We have always loved our press, and hated those other guys. This is basic premise of a free press and should be any military minded persons expectation. That yellow bellied liberal loving bifurcated press is the same group of mental-midgets that failed to raise even one fallow issue in logic about attacking Iraq. We use "MSM" as a derogatory slur with an expectation of heaping agenda covered in a sauce of incorrect facts and logical fallacies. Regardless of the political affiliation. Bloggers are no better. And, to be honest that is all how it should be, and I kind of like watching the political rancor and the battlefield of ideas. Where else can you see adults act like pre-schoolers, and then act smug about how ignorant they have been acting?

I think I need lunch.