Much talk from politicians and press of a “surge” into Afghanistan…

Very little talk of the logistical surge that must accompany such a surge in combat units.

It is my (civilian) understanding that the bulk of OEF’s heavy logistical supply arrives via truck convoys through Pakistan. Truck convoys that pass right through Taliban held Pakistani territory.

Given that we’re already conducting air strikes against Taliban training camps and leadership within that same Taliban held Pakistani territory, doesn’t this put us in the unhealthy position of attacking our own supply lines? Certainly at least one of the Presidential candidates has suggested that we do exactly that. Much as I would like to disagree with his stated strategy, he may very well be correct, if only by accident.

We may very well have to invade and occupy Pakistan, if for no other reason then to secure our supply lines into Afghanistan.

I don’t think two or three brigades will be enough…