Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
40x53mm HEAB is available OTS, ask ST Kinetics in Singapore. It's also being developed for U.S. Mk.19 and Mk.47 afaik.

I doubt the value of HEAB against ATGM teams, though. It's desirable to hit before the ATGM hits, and that is likely not possible if careful lasing is required. A disruption of physically ineffective near misses with HE is likely more useful than a late HEAB hit.
I'm not sure I follow your line of thoughts here Fuchs. I understand the point about immediate suppression being the desired effect, but there should be no difference between a dismounted ATGM team, and an ATGM mounted on an APC/IFV.

We (US at least), have moved towards lasing capabilities to ensure higher first round hit and kill probabilities. I can't imagine that someone calculated that lasing was going to increase aquisition times, and made a conscious decision to pursue that capability with ATGMs being so prevalent on APCs/IFVs.

There is always the option to go manual on some turret systems and get some rounds out for suppression.