Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey
.....Georgia basically set Russia up by starting it then rolling over quickly and retreating so fast that the front Russian units ended up farther in then they were supposed to. And we know this because they didn't need to prep because they were already there and Georgia knew it so thats why.....
I fail to see what part of that blog piece drove that conclusion.

The author stated pretty clearly that The South Ossetian separatists do appear to have been the primary instigators of the conflict...., and simply states that Georgia escalated the conflict in response. The author of this blog post apparently agrees with the premise put out immediately prior to the conflict in an EDM article that drawing the Russians in was the intent of the Ossetian separatists. At no point does the author state or imply that it was a Georgian "set-up". Although he also discusses several tangetial military issues, the focus of the author is attempting to debunk the belief that the Russian counter-invasion was extensively pre-planned prior to the outbreak of hostilities. In building that case, the author does not resort to creating a counter-conspiracy of Georgian manipulation of events.

As regards Ralph Peters, he long ago compromised integrity and credibility for by-lines and profit.