Stan, please feel free to educate me more on things Finnish & Estonian. I learnt something new.

For those interested in the Finnish-Estonian co-operation in the Winter-Continuation War, check this page:

Looks like we owe you a regiment or two (maybe more depending on the Estonian interest rate - 6 for 5 would be brutal - Estonia would own Suomi).

There has been a slight poll shift from Dec 2007 to Mar 2008. Interesting shift if Sweden also joins NATO - somewhat surprising since the Swedes are sometimes called "lemmings". Didn't spy anything after Mar, but could have missed it.

About one in four Finns feel that Finland should seek membership in NATO. Over two thirds remain opposed to joining the alliance.

Only 21 per cent of Finns are in favour of joining NATO, whereas 54 per cent are opposed and 23 per cent would not give an opinion.
A bigger difference emerged when respondents were asked if Finland should join NATO if Sweden does the same. In that hypothetical situation, 41 per cent would be in favour of NATO membership, significantly outnumbering opponents.

BTW: No Saami Santa in our family. Mom was born here (actually, Swedish was her first language; Finnish secondary) - so, standard North Pole (not Alaska) Santa. I was found under a log in Alaska as my dad was checking his trap lines - his alternative to the stork story.