Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
And brings up more questions.

Were the Georgian forces that did this in 1991 the same as those now, or have there been some major changes?

Are Kosovo and SO/Abkhazia the same thing? If so why, if not why not?

Although SO has been autonomous they were firing rockets into Georgia proper, Russian "peace keepers" were there yet this continued. It is still for all intensive and from what I can see so far internationally considered part of Georgia not Russia. So they have to eventually respond somehow to the continuing rocket attacks. What were they supposed to do, go driving in on golf carts with zip-ties and tasers and ask the rebels to pretty please stop shooting rockets at them?

As to vital interests why are these countries of vital interest to Russia other than to

1- Get their resources
2- Control their resources(enable international blackmail)
3- Reestablish a semblance of their authoritarian control over the various polities
4- ????

Still not getting IT?

BTW why is it everybody is always so touchy about armchair generals. You'd think they actually think armchair generals actually think their in charge of something rather than just trying to get to a better understanding of whats going on.

OK other than a list of 20 questions, what exactly is your point?

I offered the article as a broader look at the issue. one that specifically says it is not as simple as it seems.

Try answering your own questions and leave off the sarcasm.
