Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
OK other than a list of 20 questions, what exactly is your point?

I offered the article as a broader look at the issue. one that specifically says it is not as simple as it seems.

Try answering your own questions and leave off the sarcasm.

so much as trying to really understand why it always seems like efforts to explain whats happening consistantly seem to focus on surrounding implications of one action or another rather than than pointedly answering the basic's.

What- was done
Why-it was done
Who- it was done for
When it started
How it came about

Then Why was what was done the right thing or wrong, and why each party would see it as such.
Why is each sides perspective right or wrong
Why is or isn't it of vital interest

The article you posted was excellent in that it showed a little more of the overall picture and placed it in a different perspective, thus allowing me to more definitively break down the questions in such a manner as to be given feedback directly related to that question (as American Pride was able to do with his follow-on posting).

The main point I have had is still the same Why was it OK for Russia to do what it did aside from the fact that supposedly noone else can do anything about it.

Truly searching for greater understanding not necessarily direction as is so often the case.

Please don't be mad at me