Quote Originally Posted by Cavguy View Post
...For soldiers, one less uniform to maintain, and the Blue uniform looks much better. Everyone has an opinion, but as RTK indicated, over 90% of the soldiers indicated they would prefer the Blue to the Green uniform.
I agree with that and I never liked the Greens; I just thought the grey shirt looked better than the white one does -- and hanging all that junk on the shirts is just tacky. Just because you earned it doesn't mean you have to wear it...

I've also never been a beret fan even though I've worn 'em in green and maroon -- but then, nor am I a fan of the service cap. Like I've said, no way to make evetybody happy...
The key problem was how to reconcile the "flair" on the Class A with the more restrained look on the blue uniform. I think they struck a fair compromise.

I seem to be rare on this board, but this is a good change, IMO.

EDIT: Not sold on the placement of the combat patch. If the female pictured above is accurate, the 1st CAV patch is going to look silly and take up half the front! :O
Don't disagree with any of that; they really need to work on the patch and badge bit; those two factors foul up, to me, an otherwise good idea.

That and the short sleeve white shirt -- who wants to be mistaken for the Mess Sergeant / Dining Facility Manager??? That's what my sympathy was directed toward...