As as has been reported in various press sources, the Lebanon war saw the first IDF "combat" use of Llamas for transporting supplies. Over the weekend I met one of the guys who had operated with them. The activity is actually more "classified" than I imagined, but here are a few pointers:-

a. Llamas are better behaved than donkeys. They are also much quieter. They never really say anything and they walk almost silently compare to a donkey.
b. Llamas will go places donkeys will not.
c. Llamas can be made to "sit" in a Humvee. Donkeys can't even get into a Humvee.
e. They eat and drink less than donkeys.
f. Their coats are excellent camouflage and the even "white" Llamas can be "toned down" using camouflage while doing the animal no harm at all. It's just hair.

on the down side,

e. Opinion was that Llamas can't carry as much as Donkeys, (you can't really ride them) and are far more expensive to buy. This apparently is a problem!!