Here's a quote from the President of the Russian Federation -

Russia had no option but to crush the attack to save lives. This was not a war of our choice. We have no designs on Georgian territory. Our troops entered Georgia to destroy bases from which the attack was launched and then left. We restored the peace but could not calm the fears and aspirations of the South Ossetian and Abkhazian peoples – not when Mr Saakashvili continued (with the complicity and encouragement of the US and some other Nato members) to talk of rearming his forces and reclaiming “Georgian territory”. The presidents of the two republics appealed to Russia to recognise their independence.

"complicity of the US and some other NATO members" = he believes the US and NATO are already actively working against Russian interests in their backyard.

This will only spiral into more harsh words from pundits in the West until the next US Administration sorts itself out and plots a policy to deal with Russia. It might be pretty late at that point.