Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Malaya was so very different that its use for comparison purposes to any other insurgency is extremely problematic; I question that Algeria was a 'success.'

Marighela's theories are far more appropos and the religious quotient today makes even it of only some use.

My perception is that, fortunately, most of the Troops have figured that out...

(Cross posted from SWJ Blog Comments)
The UK fought religious/cult/nationalist insurgencies for 200 years, all over the world. The Communist ones took a bit of getting used to, plus it took a while for us to learn from all our mistakes, despite being "experts." Look at Northern Ireland.

The idea that there is any useful common ground between Vietnam and Malaya is not useful, possibly misleading, and may well be irrelevant.

I have, and always have had, a very great concern about some of the insights that now seem to be accepted wisdom about insurgency. Some useful reductionism is long overdue.