In the U.K. for several years now domestic violent extremism (DVE), which includes animal rights and the political extremists in various causes has been split off from counter-terrorism. The political priority given to DVE has varied and after several animal rights attacks pressure led to more resources. At one stage, now many years ago, the Special Branch approach was applied, with their expertise in covert intelligence techniques and then lessened as other threats took priority.

CT is kept apart from DVE. This is well explained on this official website:

The threat here is different, with specific campaigning in a few places, notably Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) and Oxford University - who are building a new laboratory. Ecological extremism to date has been rare, although one airport was "invaded" and a power station.

Local priorities differ and will affect funding priorities. I can understand why in the USA access to DHS funding can cause controversy; time to think about stopping "pork barrel" allocation of funds?
