Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
The UK daily Telegraph reports President Mugabe has issued an ultimatium to the opposition MDC: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worl...-Zimbabwe.html

Same announcement covered here.

September 4, 2008
Robert Mugabe gives Morgan Tsvangarai power-sharing ultimatum

President Mugabe has delivered an ultimatum to his rival, Morgan Tsvangirai, to sign up for a power-sharing agreement with his ruling Zanu (PF) party or face being frozen out of the new Cabinet to be announced tomorrow.

“If after tomorrow [Thursday], Tsvangirai does not want to sign, we will certainly put together a Cabinet,” Mr Mugabe told the state-controlled Herald newspaper.

The move would violate the founding conditions of the talks and signal Mr Mugabe's repudiation of the process doggedly pursued by South Africa’s President Mbeki for 18 months.
see also:

Comment: Boo and hiss as much as you like, Robert Mugabe’s still in power

Jonathan Clayton
Zimbabwe sailed into uncharted waters this week with only one thing certain: President Mugabe’s hand is still firmly on the rudder.

Although his ruling Zanu (PF) party lost the position of Speaker of Parliament on Monday for the first time since independence in 1980, talk of it being the endgame for the octogenarian’s brutal rule is premature.

“We are back at square one, and Mugabe is on top,” Professor Sipho Seepe, a political analyst in neighbouring South Africa, said. “Mugabe has outwitted the Opposition and the entire international community and there is no reason to believe any concessions are on the way.
All of this makes me repeat what I said on this same thread on March 19 2008:

Cynic that I am, I don't think Mugabe will leave so quietly...
