Quote Originally Posted by Michael F View Post
Based on my personal experience, congolese soldiers (i mean boots on the ground) are not bad troops (hard working, motivated to improve their skills, disciplined if well led,...).
With good officers and a decent salary (a situation sadly unseen since the independance), they are a match to their rwandan colleagues.

Just as a scientific experiment, I would like to see what would become of a NATO unit if unpaid, unfed, far from the families, and deployed in a remote jungle for more than 02 years without reach back/Log support (not that i wish it to happen to me).
Although I definitely see and understand your point, my decade in that region tells me differently. I've seen Belgian, Egyptian, French, German, Israel, and US professional training there. And, even in her heyday, Zairian military and guard Civil performed abysmally at home and abroad.

I have to disagree, the Rwandan Armed Forces behaved like an Army and were brutal. I have yet to see that intestinal fortitude in Zaire.