I saw this article at DNI and was surprised Chet Richards published it, as it poorly researched and sourced.

"It [ Fascism] arises under conditions of an advanced industrialized economy, that is, under particular historical circumstances. It is a product of big business that is brought about by market or profitability imperatives. It is, in a sense, an "emergency" instrument (a metaphorical fire fighter, if your will) in the arsenal of powerful economic interests that is employed during crisis or critical times in order to remove or extinguish "obstacles" to unhindered operations of big business."
This is an old Marxist saw going back to the Communist Party line imposed by Stalin during the Soviet "popular front" propaganda campaign to enlist the European democracies to stand up to Hitler by appealing to anticapitalist sentiments.

This assertion about Big Business promoting fascism has long been discredited by historians; far from being early adopters of Nazism, German Big Business jumped on the National Socialist bandwagon circa late 1932, only after years of fruitlessly backing conservative alternatives from Hugenberg to von Papen.