Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post

Actually when I read yiour last answer I see you as a realist with rose colored glasses. The issue I have is that your optimism seemks to color what you see as the Congo's potential. The Congo has not moved forward in 50 years. To the contrary, it has regressed in a sort of one step forward, 3 steps backward dance which accelerated as Mobutu withdrew. As for Lumumba being a martyr, that maybe fashionable now. Mobutu was once more en vogue. The DRC has a sister in the Caribbean called Haiti. It too has had series of martyrs.

Yoy are correct that much of this applies to most African countries. The difference is that none have had the sustained Western government development effort that the DRC enjoyed over the past 50 years with perhaps Nigeria in its commercial/oil sector.

Collapse is the Congo's currency. Just how long in and what capacity were you in the DRC?


I like your description of my idealism (surely come from my young age).
First, about progresses made in DRC, i would like to quote President Mobutu himself "Zaire was on the edge of an abyss....then we made a great step forward"

Joke aside, i really do think this country has potential. Like Angola, it survived a long civil war, it has a lot of ressources that already attracts a lot of investors.... Like Angola, its elite are ethnic, corrupt and like Angola, it could reemerge as one of the fastest growing economy in the world (despite the corruption).

About your last question, i will not enter into any such detail on a forum . I'm really sorry. My avatar should answer most of your questions (nationality, work place and branch of the military).