Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
You know I don't know Mr Bacon, President of Refugees International, or Mr. Malan, this reports author, I do know Mr. Rosenblatt who is listed as President Emeritus from my Goma days.

Much of this criticism and advice for AFRICOM is agenda-driven and that agenda is making sure said NGOs get their slice of the pie. So while some of the concerns are valid and should be considered, the weight given those concerns and their very selection is influenced by agendas that have little to do with assistance to Africa.

And, to echo Tom's wisdom herein, the very people that literally sabotaged EUCOM's programs. This current acronym NGO has now pestered me for 2 decades.

Honestly, I'm sick of folks like these with wheezy agendas along the beltway, and freaks in the field... without a clue.

They have an (contractual) obligation and job to do, and the acronym NGO should not include political rhetoric (and, they should not be bothering the US Military trying to accomplish something on a shoestring budget in the friggin bush).

OK, I'm done For now!