Quote Originally Posted by Michael F View Post
I'm quite used to the "cite"s so don't worry too much. I was aid that street children "Sheges" in main cities around Africa developped their own language as they live in close, often hunted, communities. According to the last figures, they are about 20.000in Kinshasa....

Just for the fun, a little story: I met once a guy who wanted to visit the Marche des voleurs. He went with some friends, bought a few stuffs, returned and said he took nice pictures,...when he opened his bag....empty...he reacted by saying "How could someone have stolen me my camera on the Marche des voleurs (Thief market in French)?"
Who knew there are thiefs on the street in Africa?

Besides it is not stealing. It is extended borrowing necessitated by the fact that you were not using it at that moment in time when I needed it as demonstrated by the fact I have it and you don't.
