Based on my experience, I firmly believe that a belt fed machine gun is needed at the fore team level, although I personally don't like the SAW. A magazine fed weapon could never be a substitute for a belt fed one in that role. As someone who has been fired at I can tell you that there is no substitute for putting a lot of lead down range very quickly. Even if you don't hit the target it still has a profound psychological effect on the target. You are going to loose a good bit of that with a magazine fed weapon, plus you won't be able to carry as much ammunition.

GPMGs are not the answer either. A GPMG is a supporting weapon. Taking a GPMG on an assault is problematic at best and taking them in for CQC or trench clearing is simply impossible. Furthermore, whereas a light machine gun can be effectively carried and employed by a single soldier, a GPMG requires, at the very least, an AG and an ammo bearer is also a hell of a nice thing to have (I've heard anyway. I never had one) Add to that the fact that you just can't carry as much ammunition for the GPMG and you can see why they need to kept out of the fire teams and left in the weapons squad.