Having a great deal of experience with magazine fed ARs in Squads here and there, I've never seen the magic of belt fed as worth the weight, parts problems and potential for misaligned belts, misfires and overheated weapons. Mag fed weapons, both the BAR and the M14E2 put out more than adequate suppressive fire -- and they were totally reliable. Aside from the fact it is quicker and easier to reload using a new magazine, an easily portable belt is only going to be about 100 rounds -- and an Ultimax can hit that. C-Mags aren't perfect but they are getting better; the problem is that no real effort has been made to provide better large magazines
As someone who has been fired at I can tell you that there is no substitute for putting a lot of lead down range very quickly. Even if you don't hit the target it still has a profound psychological effect on the target. You are going to loose a good bit of that with a magazine fed weapon, plus you won't be able to carry as much ammunition.
I respectfully disagree in part. I acknowledge the truth of the statement when operating against inexperienced or poorly trained opponents but all the wasted ammo in the world will be totally ignored by competent enemies and you'll run out of ammo before they will...
GPMGs are not the answer either. A GPMG is a supporting weapon. Taking a GPMG on an assault is problematic at best and taking them in for CQC or trench clearing is simply impossible.
Totally agree on that. Did take them occasionally during the SE Asia war games but always tried to avoid it if possible, more trouble than they're worth if you're patrolling and only of marginal use in most circumstances other than a pure meeting engagement or defensive battle. I'd keep 'em at a MG Platoon at Company level instead of in a Wpn sqd.