I think you are partially right, but the cities is where I disagree. I think Ken has it right on this account. The tribal make-up of the cities make them unlikely strongholds for the Taliban anyway and the majority of the ANA and ANP are going to focus on the two main cities. Yes provide them some support, but holing up in the cities in this case and bombing or sending out battalion plus size units to smash the rural tribal areas where the Taliban and AQ get most of there recruits will only provide more recruits. The concentration of force should be to isolate the region where the Taliban and AQ are stronger. From there practice COIN to reduce there support network, and be ready to use conventional tactics whenever they chose to consolidate there forces. Building an effective human infrastructure in the Afghan government is really a state department job, but if the DOD is the only one around to do it, that takes knowledge and skill sets, not manpower.