Quote Originally Posted by Rank amateur View Post
For sake of clarity, I'm referring to the administration that took over right around the dotted blue line furthest to the right on the bottom charge.
Sigh. WHAT dotted blue line. Anyhow, why not just say what you mean? It ain't that hard...

You do realize that the Clinton / Rubin / Summers effort to extend US economic hegemony worldwide changed all the financial rules? That's what started this. And as I said, Congress bears considerable responsibility...
Another analogy. You could argue that armies have caused more harm than good. If you keep weakening yours you'll eventually learn why you had an army in the first place, but reading the history books is a much less painful way to learn the lesson.
That's an even dicier analogy...

I don't have an Army. Do you? Anyhow, you need to talk to Madeline Albright -- she's the one that insisted on using Armies for things for which they weren't designed...