The problem with investing anywhere is that overseas is now getting hit just as hard as us in the financial sectors, but the bulk of the larger national economies (china, Indian ,etc) have been slowly down over the last year. That's why oil is getting cheaper. Also look at steel and cement prices.

People aren't investing overseas because they won't be investing at all until this levels out. It is a minor miracle a run on the banks hasn't occured yet with all the doom and gloom being spewed by politicians of both parties and the financial tv station (CNBC was a hoot yesterday - there was awesome amounts of real fear, capped off with Maria Bartriromo literally in a frenzy saying "We all know there's going to be a bailout, we all know there's going to be bailout")

The problem still remains - we have no money to float this proposal, so we're going to borrow it from somewhere else, and no one has any clue whether this is actually going to help.