[QUOTE=Michael F;58017]Stan,

Hey Stan, you were spot on

Found on the UN in DRC website today (translated from French):

In a statement sent Saturday to the Kinshasa based ambassadors of the five members of the Security Council of the United Nations, the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs accused the government of Rwanda to support the CNDP of Laurent Nkunda strengthening its positions in the Congolese border Bunagana, Kimbumba.

The Congolese government has in this communication, called the United States, France, China, Britain and Russia, the five permanent members of the Security Council to play their full role in preventing and peacekeeping. Kinshasa calls on these nations to ensure compliance especially in earlier resolutions taken by the Security Council, in regard to the consequences that could result in bellicose statements on peace and security in the subregion.

About the support of Rwanda in CNDP the Congolese border, the DRC government considers this a violation of all the ongoing peace process and calls upon the Security Council to put pressure on Kigali to ensure peace in the region. In addition, the Congolese government supported the request by the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN in DRC to the Security Council for additional reinforcements MONUC needs to impose peace.

Meanwhile, ambassadors of the five countries unanimously condemned the statements of Laurent Nkunda they call a retreat from the Amani program and the release of Nairobi. They demand a cease-fire and advocate the peaceful resolution of the conflict