from Stan
... as I worked right next door to him for several years ...
you might be called as a witness for one side or the other. Should I get out my Miranda card ?

Seriously, you make a couple of good points.

... but a spy and seller of secrets?
Not an unusual reaction of neighbors in espionage - and other - cases, for that matter. The innocent person will appear to be, well, innocent; but so also the agent (assuming he or she has any tradecraft).

So, I'll wait on the evidence - realizing that US prosecutors usually do not pull the trigger on these cases unless they have good evidence - the case itself raises too much bad PR for the nation to be other than very careful.

Gotta be something better to do with them than tie up the judiciary system...
If they are innocent, then they should tough it out. At least, that is what I would tell them.

If they are guilty (which I would not directly ask them), their solution is to work a plea bargain - giving up everything they know. If they are candid, damage assessment is easier and would justify a lighter sentence.

You're right about another thing - facing prison in your 60s ain't the way to go.