There is alot of good that can come out of a soldier posting videos of missions/ training of indiginous forces. Most americans feel that they are being sheltered by the Government (therefore trust issues with elected officials) if say a certain military website were to willingly post all types of videos to better assist personnel on tactics and training, but also allow the average joe access to it I think Americans would feel more secure. I believe they would feel more like they were recieving the full picture. I don't know about you but, I know numerous people who find themselves up late night surfing U Tube looking for new military videos mostly because they are curious and have a feeling that our White House is hiding the facts from them (they are right). I know when journalist's were folowing our MiTT That we were not allowed to say much or show them anything..... As far as driving back and forth taking hits in Iraq. I also volunteered to medically cover Fuel and supply convoys before and after being on my MiTT, and Medevaced quite a few soldiers due to explosions and accidents. The average joe needs to see that and also needs to see how that fuel and those supplies help not only soldiers but the surrounding villages and comunities. America needs the full story, if Washington ever hopes to get the support they need from the American people to make it another seven years for stabilization.