Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Hoh View Post
My guess, Mess Kit Repair Company, Spoon Platoon, Polishing Squad. Buffer "Fire" team leader.
Your hunch is about right, though I think you underestimate the cushiness of the job. I purposely omitted his duty position because I do not want to denigrate anyone's contribution. I think it is important that the military continue to reinforce the reverence in which we hold the warfighters who are nearest to the tip of the spear because it fosters a climate in which the people in the most danger are guaranteed the most support and attention. But, like most things, there needs to be some balance so that we do not denigrate the contributions of those farther from the tip, because they are human beings, they are doing their jobs, and usually the job serves an important function, even if it is not all that dangerous.

That said, the cushiness of the assignment, coupled with the immaculate timing, is what gives me the impression that this call to active duty was due more to the needs of the party than the needs of the military. I hope that I am wrong.

For better or worse, I doubt that this guy will get elected. My quandary is whether to vote for him - whom I regard as a political opportunist (but I cannot be 100% sure) - or for his opponent, who is a virulent anti-war nutbar (in my opinion) who opposes all of our military actions simply out of disdain for the President. Maybe I will just cast yet another vote for Mickey Mouse.