Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
-- or, better yet, such an assessment before service entry and rejection of those likely to need heavy support.

An idea which ought to fire up the PC crowd...
A true assessment or a simple review of existing history and the resulting go/no-go from it? I would agree if a true assessment was involved as MH diagnosis is not an exact science and I have meet many diagnosed as ODD that I would diagnose as "teenagers". A diagnosis does not make true, but a suitability screening may pay dividends. On a historical note, we had extensive MH screening during WWII and high no-go rates from them, but they had very little impact on MH casualties during that conflict, hence why we no longer use them. One thing that I do advocate for is a required mental health screening for combat vets w/i a certain period of there redeployment if they are involved in any UCMJ disciplinary actions or civilian legal violations. I feel this is often our first warning sign with a vet that fails to self-disclose.