Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
I have been expecting this to happen but the degree is a bit more than I had guessed was coming. Mugabe is old and will not be around that mush longer but he has institutionalized thuggery as a preferred practice. They the ZANU-PF elites will not go when Mugabe does and I wonder if armed rebellion is the only road ahead; certainly the economy will get no better. Mbeki has proved a man with feet of clay. Who will step up?

Would have to agree with you, even with (retired) Mbeki's return to broker yet another deal, Tsvangirai's persistent threats of stepping down with each speed bump he encounters leaves me wondering what he would even accomplish as PM.

I think we're well past the overinflated Zaire banknote... "On Thursday, it was announced that Zimbabwe's annual inflation rate had soared to 231,000,000%" Well, they could always knock a few more zeros off (again)