Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
Hi folks,

By now, almost everyone realizes we have a problem - and governments worldwide are reacting. The problem is that reactive tactics may end up being more deadly than the problem itself. E.g., how do you react to an ambush ? We have had no training for this kind of ambush.
Exactly. I think the US government has come to the point where they will do everything, up to and including permanently ruining our economy, in order to prevent even a slight economic downturn.

The Clinton/Greenspan micro-management and illusion that they could command the economy has developed into a continuum when the same incompetent hacks, like "Hank" Paulson who created the conditions for this mess are now in charge of dictating how we are to clean it up, "if we know what's good for us".

Words cannot express the loathing I feel for these hacks....