I am in the camp of those who do not believe it is an insurgency.

The wikipedia definition is very lacking. It speaks to a singular monolithic group, not to multiple groups. These multiple groups are defined by different ethnicities, religions, motivations, and tribal affiliations. As Ken said, there are fractures within each group, so even the seperate groups (such as Taliban, HIG, etc.) have factions that are seperate "reasons for being" than the overall groups. The armed factions are legion when the central authority collapses in the Middle East or Central Asia it seems.

It reminds me of the Monty Python scene in Life of Brian where the insurgent groups are arguing about names. "We're the People's Lberation Front of Judea." "Well, we're the Judean's People Liberation Front."

Perhaps multi-faceted insurgency is a better descriptor but even that lacks oomph.

In my small group at CGSC, I've been arguing consistently that there are multiple operation centers of gravity due to the distinct and diverse nature of these groups. Each enemy has to be looked at as a unique entity. My SGA wasn't buying it, but today I listened to another SGA who I'm taking an elective with who reinforced my point of view, so I feel a little less out in the galaxy.