Quote Originally Posted by AdamG View Post
....I read this and think "ELF", but then again ...

Five missing Afghan students turn up in Canada
Lets try and avoid unsubstantiated linkages and alarmist conjecture. Wouldn't want SWJ to turn into WND.

The kids visas ran out and they went up north to try and obtain refugee status in a nearby location where becoming a "refugee" is much easier than here in the US. Do you blame them in not wanting to go back to Afghanistan? Canada is struggling with the broader issue, and the past few years have seen a steady increase in those seeking such status, with an numbers rising about 30% over last year in the first nine months this year. Hell, they had nearly 4,000 refugee claims just in September.

Interestingly enough, already this year Mexico has become the the largest single annual source of refugee claimants since the Canucks starting tracking the issue.

If you're looking to make linkages (not related to the pipeline incident, though), there is a thriving two-way drug trade with a diverse multinational group of players on our northern border - ecstasy and MJ from Canada to US, and cocaine from US to Canada.

Then there's MS-13, which is usually thought of as a problem domestically here in the US, and more significantly south of the border, is present and active in their usual spread of illegal activities in Canada as well.

Although I'm now guilty of unsubstantiated conjecture, I don't feel that I'm too far off the mark when I say that someone with access to make the study could probably end making a substantive link between the increased US security focus on our southern border with the surge of refugee seekers - and related illegal activity - Canada is now receiving. If that is the case, then unless our northern neighbors make some serious adjustments, the situation is only going to get worse for them, as (despite certain parties' claims to the contrary) our border and internal security measures targeting the entire spectrum of illegal immigration continue to tighten up.