Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
there (must be ?) (should be ?) more meat.

1. His real estate holdings (much cited in initial articles) seem to be family, at least in part:

Yep, 95 hectares spread among family members in part ownership is not exactly what I would have concluded as high on the hog. Even in my 13 years here, I bought and later sold over 45 hectares. Too easy to conclude today that 95 hectares equals big bucks.

Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
2. As to the money, the English language article is too laconic - here
That's because Estonian's are translating the text from business daily Äripäev and/or Ärileht, and, nobody is checking the grammar Imagine having to use articles and prepositions in the future tense, when your mother tongue does not (have nor use them).

Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
As I glean Estonian (which ain't much), the key parts to the money story are here:

So, eminent translator of things Estonian and Lingala, traduction, s.v.p.

Odd that he would have admitted to the espionage as some stories have said. Wonder if that is true ?
Traduction avec plaisir

Päevalehe andmetel sai Herman Simm võõrriigile edastatud salajase teabe eest 1000 eurot ehk 15 600 krooni kuus, mis teeb pisut alla 200 000 krooni aastas.
According to Päevaleht's data, Herman Simm received 1,000 Euros per month (or 15,600 kroons, which is just under 200,000 kroons per year) for forwarding secret information to a foreign country
Palk oli suurem
18 000 krooni kuus
teenis Herman Simm viimati kaitseministeeriumis. Sellele lisandus politseipension.
50 000 krooni kuus

(but his) Salary was larger at 18,000 kroons per month from the MOD, in addition to his police retirement of 50,000 kroons per month
The article's author would then conclude that Herman had more than enough, and need not sell secrets

However, the average educated professional here barely makes what Herman received after more than 10 years at the MOD. Most middle class folks clear 10 to 12,000 each month ($1,000.00).

I understand as of Friday afternoon, Herman has admitted to nothing.