Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
That would be a less objectionable situation. If this were fielded to the depot-level mess kit repair folks, then it would probably be a less expensive way for them to meet their administrative requirement of going to the range once or twice per year. But for us it was a replacement for some of our legitimate range time and an added PMI requirement. It helped to reinforce bad habits and dull existing skills.
I have to agree with that, then.

For the rear echelon folks, its awesome training. For those who are already expert, it presents certain opportunities, provided they are self-aware enough to figure "workarounds" to avoid the obvious bad habits you can develop. (As in, it is an "in addition to your range time, not as a replacement for range time.")

But for the guy who is a "P" warfighter, or a low "T", I see how it can be counter productive. Especially if it is used as an excuse to save money on real range time.