ICG, 21 Oct 08: Sudan's Southern Kordofan Problem: The Next Darfur?
.....The CPA partners have neglected an important aspect for achieving peace in Sudan. Overwhelmed by the Darfur crisis and Abyei and their mutual mistrust, they have allowed the situation in Southern Kordofan to reach a dangerous level. The Nuba and Misseriya have been used as pawns in a bigger game. Since the signing of the CPA in 2005, the NCP and SPLM have abandoned their war-time allies and instead of delivering on wartime promises – particularly desperately needed development – have pursued national agendas they hope will win them the elections in 2009 or 2010.

Nuba and Misseriya leaders have become increasingly intolerant and frustrated at their marginalisation by the centre and the lack of peace dividends. They could well resort to armed insurgencies if their needs are not met soon. If the NCP, SPLM and international community fail to pay the required attention to the divided region, their inaction could come back to haunt them in a way that threatens the stability of the already divided country. Prevention of a new conflict in Southern Kordofan needs to be placed prominently on both national and international agendas.