Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
...even though the fervent disdain for America began at least as early as the 1970s, which was hardly the heydey of neo-con foreign policy.
said disdain was prevalent pretty much world wide in the 1950s and was more virulent than today in the late 1960s. It did hit the ME in the 70s but it is absolutely NOT a new phenomenon.
...Jihadists have been chanting, and attempting to cause, death to America through the administrations of Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush - four administrations whose foreign policies differed significantly.
That got started with the 'success' of the Munich Olympics hostage operation and several subsequent airline hijackings as the ME developed a worldwide focus. However, there is no doubt that the flawed policies and tepid response to provocations from the ME of all the Presidents you named put us where we are today.
I think the most important question is not, "how do we become less hated?" It is "how do we make the world less hospitable to terrorist networks?"