Everyone and Anyone,

I am asking this question as a non-Military type.

I hear a great deal of discussion by "pundits" in the media about "National Service", which basically means bring back the draft. Let me state that I do not think this will happen, because it is politically impossible. When this issue is discussed I have notice a strange pattern - ex-Military types seem to oppose bring back the draft more then people who have only experience as civilians do.

I have heard a number of different proposals -

1. Bringing back a strictly military draft (seems to be the least favored by the chattering classes).

2. Having a National Service program like the Depression era - Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC). Either voluntary or mandatory.

3. Having a combination of #1 and #2, where you would be required to do service but could choose between the two options.

My questions are as follows -

Would bringing back the draft help out the issues discussed in the article?

Would it hurt?

Would brininging back some form of "National Service" help with the issues of narcissism discuss by other posters or would it just be the Government running people's live's for them?

What about my observation that former military seem to oppose the return of the draft more then civilians?

Currently, I am in the best-of-all learning situations - lots of questions and no answers. I want to get some input from people with real world experience.

Thank you for your input.