Quote Originally Posted by Stan Reber View Post
During the 2nd civil uprising in then Zäire, elements of the Zäirian Military driving a tracked vehicle armed with an M2 decided to rob the Bank of Zäire. Situated directly across the street on the 7th floor was the French embassy. Manning the .50, a Zäirian sergeant decided to look around and saw a white male watching from the 7th floor. The French Ambassador had no idea what would happen next and his "body guard" continued to read the morning paper, unaware his boss was standing in front of an ordinary plate glass window and less than 100 meters away was a recently fully-loaded M2.
The sergeant wheeled his 50 around and up, and unloaded nearly half the box of ammo before he was ordered to stop firing.
The Ambassador received one 700-grain round center of mass and promply died.

The French subsequently did not invaid Zäire, did not protest, did basically nothing other than remove the remains while the rest of us look on in complete confusion. Later the French government apologized !

Jeez, do any of our officials ever listen when we come back and perform a debrief ?

We wrote thousands of times....Damn, where's the info going ? Into a black hole ?

Regards, Stan
They go into archives, usually slapped with a high enough classification to deter investigators or researchers, and then linger there for many years. It's sad to say, but often things people don't want to read (or hear) get buried.