The exchange was certainly lacking regardless of adherence to any particular TTP. Just putting yourself in the Afghan's shoes is chilling...

Pragmatic... As for cookie cutter solutions/strategy, I know the proof is in the pudding... However, I have had the opportunity to plan for P4 in two different capacities... Intellectually lazy (my term, but a fair description of those who utilize cookie cutter solutions) is not a term I'd apply to the man or, as importantly, the people with whom he surrounds himself. If anything, I'd characterize P4 as an enormously nuanced thinker, who sometimes lacks patience with those not keeping up intellectually (classic Myers-Briggs NT).

I can say this with great confidence... He will arrive at his decision and implement it with absolute conviction that it is the right approach regardless of the barbs of pundits and wannabes.

Again, I understand time will tell as to whether he/we get it right (or just not wrong), but it will not be intellectually lazy and uninspired.

Live well and row