As he's not, I strongly suspect that his attitude differed a bit. More patience -- much more -- and a generally far greater knowledge and acceptance of human foibles has in my experience been a hallmark of folks from the ME and South Asia. They emphatically do not think as we do and they mostly perceive offensiveness in a different vein than we do. They are also more polite and charitable in addition to being more tolerant of error and youthful attitudes. I'd suggest those qualities are shown to an extent in that video.

I think it's almost a certainty that the NCO in the video is far from the first western military representative that Afghan has talked to and that said Afghan knows and cheerfully accepts that SFC will not be the last...

And I'm still more concerned about the lingering potential for harm to US forces by demonstrated sloppy TTP than I am about possible communication disconnects that can and will be -- and probably already have been as we write -- repaired.