Selil's Post #36 above is pure gold -- I disagree with him on the desirability of National service but the rest of that comment is spot on!

Only thing I'd add is restore the ability of Teachers to discipline unruly students. Personally, I'd go for corporal punishment, many may not -- they should come up with an alternative and Cops are not a good solution.

makes some very valid points, correctly pointing out the home environment is a part of the problem and its effect is significant. The home environment started tumbling as a result of the late 60s and the 70s educational 'reforms.' We damaged beyond repair a generation or two of parents of whom seem incapable of guiding -- and disciplining -- their children. It'll take a generation or two to repair that terrible damage.

We're paying most educators and staff about $30-50K per year as Steve also says. We're paying Major League Baseball Players a median salary of about $750 - 800K -- what's wrong with that picture?

U-Boat's comment reminds me of a Brother in Law who was a Teacher, left the field to make more money, did so but missed teaching and tried to return only to discover he couldn't get hired in any of several school districts because it was cheaper for them to hire new college grads rather than an experienced teacher with multiple advanced degrees. Weird NEA / AFT rules are the cause of that -- and those two organization were the cause of my sister in Law abandoning teaching altogether...

Lastly, Selil again:
"Can we agree that this issue (education) is indicative and causal of the issues that the military is having recruiting and training the future soldiers and sailors of the nation?"
I certainly agree that it is -- along with our foray into risk aversion as a national pastime.