was that interpretation (or its lack) was symptomatic of a number of ills of operating in another culture. If you meant that the interpretation issue has been repaired, then I think there is a reasonable probaility you are right (but this is the US Army, remember, and we do know how to keep shooting ourselves in the foot).

If, however, the issue is one of cross cultural communication with its attendant empathy aspects, then I doubt very much that an effective repair job has been accomplished. Like you, I am sure that the elder has dealt with many Westerners and is prepared to deal with many more. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that he can empathize pretty well with the SGT. That does not mean he likes or agrees with him but I'm pretty sure he understands to the point of predicting his behavior. One of the interesting questions is whether to take the elder at face value. Is he really indicating some desire to work with the Americans or is he only showing us how stupid we are? I'm not sure it matters in the short run because, regardless of why and his intent, their is a lot of intel value in his story. I tend to go back to the Reagan quip, "Trust, but verify." for the longer term.

