Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
Truth is the Army has some GREAT historians both military and civilian whose work far outshines what SLAM did. This is truly a marketing issue and it is in the Center for Military History's interest to step up--pushed by CSI and West Point. Yet I have felt for decades that Army history has done the soft shoe; never really getting out there and pushing say the Leavenworth Paper series beyond the Army. CMH has dragged along like a slow ox-drawn wagon train for decades and the Army has had to do Certain Victory, On Point 1, or On Point 2 histories on the fly by committee.
This is quite true. There are some fine internal history products done by the Army, but you really have to dig to find them and they are not well-advertised. The AF, on the other hand, tends to put its internal history products front and center. In some cases the quality is uneven, but AU certainly puts 'em out for all to see (and usually with free PDF download versions to boot).