However, I'm sort of inclined to say Che and Bolivia were a flash in the pan and little more, so there wasn't much 'win' there. I also am inclined to think Malaya is not a good example of much of anything (but that's just me...).

El Salvador was not a win but an acceptable outcome for the Government because, as you said, the Chapultepec Peace Accords of 1991 ended the fighting. An agreement to stop fighting wouldn't be required between the parties had one side 'won.'

Guatamala, I'll give you and being a nice guy, I won't even cite the imbalances and costs...

Admittedly we're into semantics and angels on the heads of pins here. My real point is, simply, that 'win,' 'victory,' 'lose,' and 'defeat' are bad and rather imprecise words to apply to by far the majority of COIN situations and those words are politically dangerous as they can lead the uneducated (or ill inclined) astray...

Thus, I tend to try to discourage their sometimes careless use. Possibly to a fault. Having said that, I agree with OE32, particularly in view of these:
"...Only the indigenous government can "win".(Note his quotes)

"...prevail against the insurgents. This must be done not just by force, but also by other political and economic measures."(emphasis added /kw)