I said that I would come back with resources as I gathered them. So here I will begin to add some in case anyone would like to look into this as well.

Department of Defense Energy Strategy. Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks.

DoD Energy Security Task Force.

More Capable Warfighting Through Reduced Fuel Burden.

More Fight - Less Fuel.

And perhaps the most interesting piece, from a visceral level:

Army Energy Security "The Way Ahead"

It contains a note with the following information:

Fuel deliveries to FOBs in millions of gallons: 431
Fuel trucks needed: 140,075
Convoys needed: 9,332
Soldiers per convoy: 120
Soldier trips: 644,360
Soldier trip reduction per 1% JP8 savings: 6444

As you can see, reducing consumption has operational benefits, not including the fact that some 50% of fuel used in theater is used to move fuel in theater. This means that end use (FOB generators and tactical vehicle) fuel savings are multiplied as the second and third order effects reduce the logistical burden across the military.