er. all three? four??...

Eden is correct in that overall it's a sort of pedestrian article but COL Jones does seem to argue two points with which I agree.

First and most important is a condemnation of threat centered engagement:

"Threat-Centric Engagement (TCE): A program of engagement designed to defeat a specific enemy or alliance of separate enemies. TCE is driven by the key concept that ultimate victory is achieved by defeating the threat."

I said before and will repeat, that is not the best way to look at the rest of the world bar a potential existential threat.

I'll also again say what I said early on the thread reference governance: ""I noticed the same item Wilf highlighted:
"...PCE is driven by the key concepts that governance is of, by and for the people; that populaces have the right to choose the form of governance which suits them best; and that insurgency occurs when governance fails."
but took it differently, I cued in on this portion "...that populaces have the right to choose the form of governance which suits them best..." as meaning stick our big nose in only where it's wanted but do not try to manipulate that want and at all costs do not try to impose a form of of government that is alien or inappropriate * on another nation.

* As it appears we tried (are trying???) to do in both Afghanistan and Iraq and is flat not going to happen...""

I think that sort of agrees with you on not getting wrapped around the good governance foolishness -- none of our business and, as Eden and Beelzebubalicious said, we have enough problems in that area ourselves without trying to hassle others.