Just saw on HRC, Army is projected to be short 5000 CPTs and MAJs next summer, so MAJ board is being bumped up 4 months, and promotion to CPT will also bump up one month. MAJ in 9, CPT in 3 +/-.

They are over on LTs right now, but only time will tell.

I think this is due to a combination of retention problems, transformation, and growing more BCTs. Nobody seems to be willing to stop and realize that you can't create slots if you have no plan to fill them.

Is a BN/BCT/etc... that is half filled to MTOE for Officers and Senior NCOs a force enabler? People are and will step up to fill the open slots, we had a CPT filling a MAJ slot, and 1LT(P)s filling CPT slots, but there reaches a point where people wear out or get overwhelmed due to lack of training and experience.

With regards to size of the force question, we can't fill slots now, so maybe adding 60-100K may not fix anything.