I certainly was referred to as "book smart" as a negative while I was in. Most officers were open to learning from non-army course work, but the NCO corp seemed to be of the opinion that they would be issued any knowledge they needed. Of course I was active from '93 to '97 (Not exactly banner years for the Army) and in the NG '01 to '06 (A time of severe transition for the guard) so my experiance may very little to do with current active duty NCOs. I would have to guess that the majority of the E6 and E7's I have meet through my job w/ the VA have been very intelligent, profesional and open. These soldiers were all my peers when I was on active duty, so perhaps I was part of a time of transition myself.
Point: Anti-Intellectualism seems to be a defensive mechanism of individuals, not an institutional bias. Encouraging additional openess in the military will help extiguish the phenominon quicker.