Armor Magazine, Sep-Oct 08: Counterinsurgency: Selected Works
The U.S. Army/U.S. Marine Corps Counterinsurgency (COIN) Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, would like to thank the editor and managing editor of ARMOR for their agreement to publish this special counterinsurgency edition. Several months ago, the COIN Center and staff of ARMOR agreed that the time was right to consolidate in a single edition a selection of the most valuable and instructive recently published articles on the use of armor in a counterinsurgency environment. These articles will provide units preparing to deploy a quick overview of the “best practices” associated with the use of armor in a COIN environment and perhaps lay the groundwork for future doctrinal revisions.....
Counterinsurgency: Selected Works

Welcome to the Counterinsurgency Century
by Retired General Donn Starry

Sadr City: The Armor Pure Assault in Urban Terrain
by Captain John C. Moore

Task Force Iron Dukes Campaign for Najaf
by Lieutenant Colonel Pat White

Integrating Armor into Personnel Recovery Operations
by Captain Romeo P. Cubas, U.S. Marine Corps

Retaking Sa’ad: Successful Counterinsurgency in Tal Afar
by Major Niel Smith

The Roots of Insurgent Warfare
by Captain Christopher L. Center

Armor in Urban Terrain: The Critical Enabler
by Major General Peter W. Chiarelli, Major Patrick R. Michaelis, and Major Geoffrey A. Norman

Platoons of Action: An Armor Task Force’s Response to Full-Spectrum Operations in Iraq
by John P.J. DeRosa

A Report on the 11th Armored Cavalry in Southeast Asia 1969-70
by Colonel Donn A. Starry

The Battle of Suoi Tre: Viet Cong Infantry Attack on a Firebase Ends in Slaughter When Armor Arrives
by First Sergeant Christopher P. Worick

Armor Task Force to Khe Sanh
by Lieutenant Colonel Carmelo P. Milia

The Battle of An Bao II
by Captain Timothy J. Grogan